(Global Top New s);
USA: top 20 websites;
Facebook; Twitter; Linkedin; Instagram; Table of Top Web Index;
e-mail: AOL; Gmail; Hotmail; icloud; Inbox; Live; Lycos; Mail; OneBox; Outlook; Proton; Yahoo; Yandex; zoho;
Searching Tools: >>Google; >>Bing; >>Wikipedia; >>YoutubeDir; >>Baidu(百度);
A-Z index of the global top websites:
Arts: Antique; ArtNews; ArtNet; ArtCity; ArtForum; ArtNewsPaper; ArtReport; Behance; Hyperallergic; ed-museum; ==>>
Books: WhichBook; GoodRead; ProjectGutenberg; BookRiot; PixelofInk; Readnext; Hundredzeros; Jstor;
Computer: Apple; PCworld; Rakuten; Slideshare; Wikia; Blogger; Mediafire; Tumblr; github; Ingur; Myway; ==>>
Files: Adobe; Mega; Onedrive; dropbox; GoogleDrive; Hightail; Zamzar; Ge.tt; enetfile
Finance: Mint(US&Canad); MoneySavingExpert; GoogleFinance; Expensify; Investor;
Games: Battle; Gamefaqs; Twitch.tv; Roblox; Playstation; Wowhead; Gamespot; Y8; Ign; Unity3d; Ea; Xbox; Freelotto; Chess; ==>>
Health: NIH; Webmd; NHS; WHO; Myfitnesspal; CDC; Mayoclinc; FDA; Zocdoc; APA; Medscape; Self; Health; SDSU; ==>>
Home: Gsmarena; Yelp; Gizmodo; Bgr; Bankrate; Care; Realsimple; Fixya; Epicurious; Phone; Countryliving; Safe; Apartment; Lifehac; ==>>
Kinds and Teens: Scarleteen; Gurl; Candymag; Glsen; Parenthood; Madd; Seventeen; Yd; Sugarscape; Faze; YoungHealth; Girl’s; Teenvogue; Boys; ==>>
Learning: Stackoverflow; Khanacademy; Creativelive; lifehacker; Academicearth; Instructables; Openculture; Research15; cnxiv;
Local: GoogleMap; Yelp; LivingSocial; FourSquare; GroupOn; TripAdvisor; Zomato; WeatherUnderground;
Movies/TV/Videos: efilmsite; YouTubeMenu; Fmovief; Snagfilms; Fmovies; Netflix; Xmovies8; Mwatcher; Espncricinfo; Hulu; Cracked; Tubitv; Vimeo; IMDb; R/18+; YoutubeDir; ==>>
Music: Pandora; Tunein; MusicYahoo; Last.fm; GooglePlay; iHeart; Soundcloud; Allmusic; Spotify; jango; Complex; Radio; Mypace; live365; ==>>
News: abcNews; AL Jazeera; Aol.; BBC.News; BBC.WorldServices; Buzzfeed News; cbc.Canada; cbcNews; CBS MarketWatch; ChinaDaily; CNBC; cnet; CNN; Economist; FoxNews; FT-FiancialTime; HuffPost; Latimes; Legany; MSNBC; NBA.com; NBR.com; The New York Time; Politico; Reuters; RT-America; TIME.com; USAtoday; VOA.USA; washingtonpost; WSJ.com; World; YoutubeDir;
Productivity: GoogleDrive; MicrosoftOffice; IFTTT; Todoist; Evernote; Onenote; Rescuetime; GoogleHangouts; Wolframalpha; Join.me; UpWork; Unroll.me;
Recreation: Booking; 9gag; Expedia; Hotels; Priceline; Uber; Marriott; Kayak; Orbitz; Agoda; Tripadvisor; Easyjet; Travelocity; Vrbo; ==>>
Reference: Scratch; lifewire; Weebly; freerefer; Thesaurus; top15; Espncricinfo; Jstor; Reverso; Jobs; Timeanddate; Learn; Bigproject; Easybib; ==>>
School: Bestschools; TED; Topmedical; Lynda; Topunivers; Duolingo; Globaltop; Udemy; Globalbest; Coursera; Topresearch; Duolingo; Khanacademy; Makezine; ==>>
Science: ScienceDir; Nature; Researchgate; Science; Medicine; Noaa; Autodesk; Ieee; Mathworks; Acs; Livescience; Arxiv; National; Ted; cnxiv; ==>>
Search: Google; AOL; Ask; Whitepages; Bing; switchboard; eHow; Superpages; Excite; Wikipedia; HotBot; Howworks; Netstar; Tineye; Midomi; Jobs; Accuweather; weather; YoutubeDir; Baidu(百度); ==>>
Shopping: Amazon; Craigslist; Bestbuy; Viabox; Walmart; Target; Asos; Edmunds; FatWallet; etsy; ebay; Homedepot; ThinkGeek; Ikea; ==>>
Society: Ancestry; Trello; Salon; Slate; Patreon; Match; Infowars; State; Dailykos; Lds; Collegeboard; Charge; Biblehub; Snopes; ==>>
Software: Makeuseof; GetHub; Sourceforge; Worthofweb; competex; moz; alexabest; enetfile; Leagueoflegends; Darrenmatis; ==>>
Sport: Espn; Bet365; Cricbuzz; Goal; Livescore; Nhl; Cbssports; Foxsports; Flashscore; Nbcsports; Skysports; Soccerway; Ausopen; Si.com; ==>>