Medicine – Chronic Pharyngitis

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Chronic Pharyngitis 了解慢性咽炎(英文)

Many people suffer from lump throat for a long time and they often feel there is something locked in the throat, and cannot be removed by coughing or vomiting. They visit lots of the hospitals, seek for an effective regimen to cure it, but the effect is usually in vain. Such discomfort, also named globus hystericus, is what we called “chronic pharyngitis.”.

Clinical Manifestations

Patients often complain about lump throat with dry, itchy, and/or painful sensation. Hoarseness and habits of cleaning throat are also mentioned. Sometimes they have neck or shoulder muscle pain, chest tightness or dyspnea. Occasionally patients of chronic pharyngitis with unusual ulcerative lesions at pharynx are caused by syphilis, turberculosis or fungal infection.


Generally, there are no definite causes that can provide a good explanation of why such symptoms and signs happened. Care must be taken to exclude mass lesions at hypopharynx and larynx. Hypotheses of etiology are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Intrinsic factors:

Such patients often have personalities of nervous, highly sensitive, anxious and insomnia characters.

  1. Extrinsic factors:

These patients have symptoms of post-nasal dripping or gastroesophageal reflux, which produce stimulations at throat for a long time. Irritant food intake, smoking, or drinking is also possible causes.

  1. Infective causes:

Syphilis, tuberculosis, and fungal infection are well-known causes of chronic pharyngitis.


Delicate physical examinations by an otorhinolaryngologist to exclude malignancy are necessary.

The diagnosis of chronic pharyngitis could be made by clinical symptoms and signs. If infective causes are suspected, tissue biopsy and culture should be done for further investigation. Esophageal PH monitor may be indicated if chronic pharyngitis caused by gastroesophageal reflux is speculated.


Causes of rhinitis, tonsillitis or enterogastritis should be treated first.

Furthermore, avoid irritant, quit smoking, and drinking. Habits of cleaning throat or dry cough have to be prohibited to decrease lump sensation. Do not use mouth rinse or drugs on-the-counter in a long period. If possible, psychiatric consultation and anti-anxious drugs may be of help.

If diseases are caused by infection, appropriate antibiotics should be prescribed and long term follow-up is suggested.

Natural herb medicine to resolve tonsillitis and chronic pharyngitis

Good News: Traditional Chinese Medicine to clear toxic heat and expel wind to relieve pain. Relieving lung-stomach heat symptoms, such as dizziness and vertigo; mouth pimples; toothache due to wind-fire; sore throat; swelling due to parotitis; tinnitus and swelling; constipation and skin pains and itches.

天然消炎靈 Natural Xiao Yan Ling Tablets
天然消炎靈 Natural Xiao Yan Ling Tablets

Natural Xiao Yan Ling Tablets 天然消炎靈 (100tabs)

NPN 80025702

Recommended Use:
Traditional Chinese medicine to clear heat, to relieve heat toxin and to resolve cough and tonsillitis due to excessive heat toxin of lung and stomach.

Recommended Dose:
4 tablets, 3 times daily. For adults only.

Risk Information:
Consult a health care practitioner: 1) if symptoms persist or worsen; 2) for seniors, children, or if you have spleen and stomach deficiency; or 3) if you have fever. Do not use 1) if pregnant or breastfeeding; or 2) for sore throat due to deficiency fire or cough due to coldness, or diarrhea due to coldness and deficiency. Keep out of reach of children.

Usages ou fins recommandés:
La médecine traditionnelle chinoise pour éliminer la chaleur, pour soulager la toxine de la chaleur et à résoudre la toux et l’amygdalite due à la toxine de la chaleur excessive du poumon et l’estomac.

Dose recommandée:
4 comprimés, 3 fois par jour. Pour adultes seulement.

Information sur les risques:
Consulter un praticien de soins de santé: 1) si les symptômes persistent ou s’aggravent, 2) pour les personnes âgées, les enfants, ou si vous souffrez d’un déficit de la rate et l’estomac; ou 3) si vous avez de la fièvre. Ne pas utiliser 1) en cas de grossesse ou d’allaitement, ou 2) pour les maux de gorge dus au feu déficience ou la toux due à la froideur, ou de la diarrhée due à la froideur et la carence. Tenir hors de portée des enfants.

Medicinal Ingredients/ingrédients médicinaux:
穿心莲总内酯 Andrographolide, chuanxinlian (aerial part/partie aérienne)
山芝麻干浸膏 Helicteres angustifolia, shanzhima (root/racine)

Non-medicinal ingredients/ingrédients non-médicinaux:
Corn starch, amidon de maïs.



【注意事项】怀孕或哺乳者请勿使用。下列情况使用前请咨询医师: (1)老人,小孩或脾胃虚弱者;(2)症状持续或变差;(3)发烧者。不适用于因为上火所引起的牙龈肿痛。请放在儿童接触不到的地方。


无论病因如何,大多数咽喉炎患者发病初期都以咽干、咽痒、咽部灼热为主要表现。当炎症侵及喉部,则出现咳嗽和声音嘶哑、发声费力,甚至失声的表现,继有咽喉疼痛等症状,且吞咽时加剧。此外,咽痛还常伴有颈部疼痛或肿胀,以及发热、头痛、乏力等不适。整体来说,急性咽喉炎一般全身症状较轻,以局部症状为主,多数可在7~10 天内自愈,只要多休息,多喝水,注意保护嗓子,比如不吃质地粗糙或辣的食物就行。